I almost never drive that long, Jer has motion sickness issues if he's not driving, and since we usually go places together, he drives. I forgot how much I love cruise control!
we ate at the Country Cousin, which has decent food and usually isn't too loud, so it's good for conversation (not to mention you can see it from the Interstate, so it's easy to find) Really, how could you miss it?
I arrived in town about half an hour before my mom did, so I took a little drive down a road I've always been curious about when we stop for Star.bucks on the way to and from Portland. And was rewarded with this little gem: It's a car museum...it was closed, and there were no indications that it was ever really open...
Then I went to the restaurant and this is what happens when your 4'9" grandma tries to take a picture...
We had a good visit and I found a REALLY cute jacket at the outlet mall.
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