Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'm wiped out!

How tired can a girl get?

Please pray for our encouragement. We're having a tough week.



Lynnette said...

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers today and through the weekend. I hope things are better soon.

Denver Jen said...

You are so close! It is so hard and you are probably feeling so many emotions. I'm sending good thoughts your way. You're almost there!!

Kel said...

Thank you so much ladies! Give your babies a big hug for me!

Rachel said...

I will pray for you guys. Hang in there...I'm sure it's hard, and I can't say that I understand. But take refuge in your Rock and let Him do the worrying.

Hope that's helpful - I know sometime it isn't :)

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Jamie said...

keeping you in my thoughts and prayers ~ hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving and that this week is a wonderful one!

Melba said...

I hope everything is OK, Kel...I've been thinking about you a lot!

