Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Quiet Reader Tribute of the week:

After a very nice email exchange with Burlington, Vermont I thought I'd continue the idea!

And so, here's to Portland, Oregon a fine city that I once inhabited!  Loved it there, still miss it, especially the view from the sky-bridge in the photo.

Portland, Oregon, welcome!  I hope you love Marquam Hill as much as I did and still do!


slt said...

A beautiful picture! Thanks for commenting on my blog! As for H, thankfully it wasn't her house! It is another friend of ours...but thanks for your offers!
I will get to see H and baby K for the first time next weekend as they make the trip for my baby shower! CANNOT wait!

Kel said...

Oh what a relief!! She'd not updated in a week so I was worried!!

The picture is from Portland City Blog, I forgot to credit! :P All of my pictures of portland are on 35mm and still in a box!

Your other friend can send me a list of things they need too, I'll ask my church to help me send her a package!