Monday, May 17, 2010

Quiet Weekend, and Hello! Clara City!

It was a quiet weekend and week, we went for a walk in the beautiful sunshine, which has now left us...I love being subject to the Jet Stream.  When I lived in Medford the weather was more stable, we'd have big chunks of clear days and big chunks of cloudy days and then looooong HOT Summers with T-storms that were gorgeous!  Here we get lots of gray.....and then Sun! then Gray....and the worst days, when it RAINS and then SUNS but not long enough to mow the grass....and then the next day is rainy again so the grass just grows and grows and grows!  And I am a fair weather mower!  I don't like to mow when the wheels of the mower will smush down the grass and leave stripes in my lawn of tall grass and short grass.  Art it isn't!

I'm not sure if I've met or read about the lovely person from Clara City, MN.  But I'm not going to out people's locations by name even if you do email me to say hi, and again, I won't find you on and bug you either!  I just want you to know I appreciate you! I do have relatives in the North West corner of MN.  So if you know a McClelland they are probably related to me!

Photos borrowed from:


kelley@jeremiah and kelley dot com


1 comment:

Denver Jen said...

Wow. That church looks almost exactly like the church we were married in and where Nora was baptized. Wrong city, though. Hope the sun comes out again soon!