Thursday, August 19, 2010

A quick rundown of things I want to blog about but seem to be lacking time to do it and the patience to do it from my Iphone

1. The Medford trip earlier this month was awesome!  Seeing my old friends again was really sweet.
2.  Jack has 2 teeth!
3.  Jack is eating very very well.
4.  VBS was awesome
5.  Why are my friends getting divorced, why all right now, why does it make me feel like this?
6. My brother turned 30 and I feel old.
7. We're going to try to get pregnant again, because my diagnosis is not a hard and fast no, and neither is Jer's.
8.  Weddings, why I think they are both awesome and awkward in the same breath.
9.  Needing more mommy friends, wondering if my friend will want to hang out with me when she is a mommy.  Needing to call the mommy friends I have when I'm going to do things in the mornings.
10. Upcomming events: My parents visiting, Jer's grandparents visiting, Jer's birthday, Camping in Chelan, feeling overscheduled and pulled in twelve directions....

Life is good, and it is complicated.  My beautiful boy is growing up, he's getting an awesome personality and doing so many things so quickly!  We want to give him a sibling and don't quite know what to do about it.  and just this second, the kid decided he could reach the netflix movies!

Jack and Jessica.  Jessica was an orphan rescued by Mother Theresa from a Gutter.  This beautiful woman is only one of the reasons I chose adoption.  Her mother adopted her at 34 when she was single and not sure she'd ever get married.  Her father adopted her after he married her mother.


1 comment:

Melba said...

They grow so fast and it is a little overwhelming! We have the sibling thing on our minds too...but now is not quite our time yet. Fingers crossed for you!

Sounds like there is a lot on your plate/mind. I hope you get a chance to blog about it all soon.
