Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ahhh, spring

Thank GOD, Spring has sprung, at least for this weekend. The Pacific North West has been through one of the wettest winters on record, even last week we had a bit of snow. Eeeew.

Yesterday I spent four or five hours working in the yard, Four if you don't count the hour I spent mowing the lawn and fertilizing it, I don't because I LOVE my lawnmower and running around behind it! I cleaned up the rose bed and put down new compost on everything (Well everything that I'm serious about making look pretty, there are some parts of my yard that I just laugh at and knock down the overgrowth with my weed whacker.

I really enjoyed taking care of my little part of the world, but when I was done, everything hurt! OUCH! Praise the Lord, I am alive. I didn't want to wake up this morning, but I went to Sunday School and Church, and I got up early enough to go to starbucks and everything!

Now, I'm off to go pick up my geraniums and Fuchias from my co-worker's house and I'll plant my hanging basket! Nothing says Spring like planting annuals and whacking back perenials!

With Easter comming next week, the inlaws will be comming up here as well, since Jer has a big part in the Easter Program at church. He sang a Chris Tomlin song today and did awesome. I should post it here for you, he's such a good singer, but he gets a little nervous when he's on the platform.

Dear Lord,
Your world is so beautiful, there are signs of you everywhere. Your creation is still so amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed working in it this weekend. Thank you for the great weather! I look forward to the week ahead!


Kathleen said...

I'm jealous, it's snowing AGAIN today in Chicago.

Kel said...

eeek, that's awful. If it helps, we had snow/rain fall on thursday!

I hope spring comes to chicago very soon!

Vivien Jackson said...

The weather here has been incredible! A little on the cool side (for Texas, anyway), but very sunshiny and lovely. We've planted sunflowers and they're sprouting! Mwahs, darlin!

Jamie said...

i'll be thinking of you tomorrow!! :)

Kel said...

Mwahs back Viv! Thanks for Following me!! Give Hope and Emma Birthday smooches for me, even if it is a little late!

Jamie, thank you so much. It helps to know that people are hoping for us!