Saturday, April 25, 2009

Amber DuBois: Still Missing

I can't begin to fathom the devastation of having a child taken from you. It breaks my heart that this girl is still missing. The new official website is Bring Amber Home.

I was reading the messages that scroll across the top of the screen, and her mother mentioned that her "Amber" rose bush is about to bloom. I'm going to order one from Jackson and Perkins and plant it in her honor, right next to my favorite bush that smells like grapefruit.


Dear Heavenly Father,

You know what it is like to be separated from your child, please Lord, comfort Amber's parents. Help them to continue the search for their little girl. I pray that you will remain the glue that keeps them together and the constant support for Amber where ever she may be. Jesus, if she is with you right now, please allow her family to have closure. But most fervently the desire of my heart is that she is unharmed and will be home safe soon. Please Lord, let her be found healthy and that she will not be kept from her family any longer.

In your mighty name I pray,


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