When I was younger I used to pine for summer. WHEN? WHAT? WHO? WHERE? And most importantly: HOW MUCH LONGER!? I still pine for sunny weather, especially now that I live in the cloud covered North West!
The last week or so has been really pretty, some days are warmer/sunnier than others but even the clouds didn't seem so gray this week, and my front lawn? Well, aside from the places where I missed when I was fertilizing, it is growing inches at a time, it's amazing! I spent hours hacking back the overgrown flowering ground cover, and pruning the dead branches from the bushes that got frozen last winter. I had a couple of really sad losses this season, two hybrid tea roses and a hybrid tea rose tree. The tree was really sad, it was a double delight and smelled and looked beautiful. The other two were pretty, but I really loved the tree, it was right outside my front door. I've found a couple websites that sell roses and I'm thinking about my order. I also want to get some Dahlia tubers for the back yard and maybe a couple of hibiscus bushes for the front yard if they won't die over the winter!
Next weekend we get to take care of a little friend for two days. I'm really excited! His parents are going to "The Weekend to Remember" which is a Family Life conference. They're new to the area, but have been going to our church for a while and we've taken care of little J in the nursery several times, once when he was not feeling very well. Anyway; his parents wanted to go, but didn't have child care for J, and my pastor recommended us! They're coming over for dinner on Monday just to get the details ironed out. Hopefully he's as good natured as he is in the Nursery!
Since all of our "Mom's" live in Portland, we're going to go there for Mother's Day. And we'll get to meet my little niece Absidy. It should be a nice weekend.
Then my mom and dad are coming up for a visit over Memorial Day. Jer is singing the song he wrote at church, and mom is going to help me do the mural border around the ceiling in the nursery. Have I ever shown a picture of our nursery? I'll do a nursery post next!
In June Jer and I will be going to Schroon Lake, New York to visit our friends. We'll be there for their son's third birthday and we're going to Chuck E. Cheese's to celebrate and then we're going to a bunch of historical places in upstate and in Vermont. But the best thing will be just hanging out with them. I've really missed them.
July 10th is our tenth wedding anniversary!
And in September, we're going to Lake Chelan to Camp beside the lake again! I don't know what August will bring aside from my brother J's birthday, but maybe a weekend on the coast or something.
But you all know we'd drop anything if we got a special phone call.
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